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IDC Publications
IDC publications feature the best and the brightest sharing their insight and expertise on issues important to the defense. Whether your interests lie in civil rights, commercial litigation, employment law, insurance law, health law, medical malpractice, property insurance, recent decisions, Supreme Court actions, workers’ compensation or young lawyers issues, IDC publications offer something for every defense attorney.

IDC Quarterly

The IDC Quarterly is the flagship publication of the Illinois Defense Counsel, featuring scholarly columns on current tort topics and matters of interest to the defense bar. An award-winning publication, the IDC Quarterly is distributed to over 1,800 people each quarter.

IDC Quarterly Archives

The IDC Quarterly Archives available online. For older issues of the Quarterly, please contact the IDC office at 800-232-0169.

Feature Articles

Follow this link to view recent Feature Articles.


IDC Survey of Law

The Survey of Law provides overviews of the top civil practice, construction law, employment law, ethics, insurance law, local government law, tort law, and toxic tort law cases of the year. The Survey is compiled by IDC members to share their knowledge of cases and developments in the law to demonstrate that the IDC and its members are at the forefront of Illinois law. The Survey is a premier publication in Illinois and is distributed to all Illinois judges, members of the business community, and all IDC members.

2023 IDC Survey of Law

Follow this link to view our most recent issue, the 2023 IDC Survey of Law.

IDC Survey of Law Archives

Follow this link to view the IDC Survey of Law Archives.


Defense Updates

IDC substantive law committees publish newsletters related to their field of practice. Follow this link to view our newsletters related to Civil Practice; Commercial Law; Employment Law; Insurance Law; Local Government Law; Medical Liability; Product Liability; Professional Liability; Tort Law; Workers' Compensation; and, Young Lawyers.


IDC Blog

Follow this link to view blog posts from IDC members and partners.


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Though subscription is provided with IDC membership, individual subscriptions are also available for non-members. Please contact us at to request a subscription to the IDC Quarterly or IDC Survey of Law.


Become a Contributor

Interested in penning an article or contributing to a Monograph for the IDC Quarterly? Review these Stylistic Guidelines then email Executive Director Sandra Wulf at to get involved.